Be as inventive as you like, it isn't the most important decision that you'll ever make. If you're playing career mode for the first time, you need to come up with a name for your band.If you're using a Playstation 2 to play, you'll probably want to use a memory card to save your high-scores and unlocked songs. Turn on your TV, your console, your sound system (if applicable) and put the game disk into the disk tray. Start up the game - Connect the guitar to your console. If you want, personalize your guitar using the stickers provided with the game.

Take a while to get used to holding the guitar comfortably, something that you may find yourself doing a lot!.If you play sitting down, then you can rest the guitar in your lap but if you want to play standing up, you will probably want to use the strap provided.Left-handed people may just do the opposite, though you will also have to accommodate the whammy bar. If you're right handed, use your left hand to hold the guitar's neck with your three or four fingers placed over each of the fret buttons keep your right hand on or near the strum bar.Just don't try to turn the volume down with them. Finally, the usual Start and Select buttons from normal controllers have been formed as fake volume and tone knobs. Near the strum bar is a whammy bar, a small stick which you can move in order to modulate the sound produced by an extended note. They are colored for quicker identification. The note which you play is determined by pressing some combination of the five fret buttons on the guitar's neck.

You push or pull this up or down in order to play a note. First and foremost is the strum bar, the two-directional switch in the center of the guitar. Get to know your guitar - while not being nearly as complicated nor as big as an actual electric guitar, your mini-guitar has sufficient features to make it a real challenge to play.